Women's Bible Study
Monday nights 7-8:30 PM September thru May
Women's Bible Study meets in the church basement on Monday nights. Every woman is invited to attend and no prior Bible knowledge is needed. If you do not have your own Bible one will be provided for you.
Questions? Call Joyce (616) 204-4748
Community Kid's Club
Thursday nights 6PM-7:45
Reaching children for Christ. Our mission is to present the Gospel to children in ways that they can understand and in the fellowship of their peers.
Children grades K-6 are welcome regardless of church affiliation. Children are served supper is served at 6 PM followed by praise singing, lesson time, prayer, game, crafts, or service project.
Contact Carol Waite (641) 660-0437
Men's Bible Study
Wednesday nights 7-8:00 PM
Men's Bible Study is open to all men 18+ of age. We are committed to learning the word of God in a safe, friendly environment. We value confidentiality and accountability.
Men's Bible Study is currently studying the book of John chapter by chapter. Any man is welcome to join. No prior Bible knowledge? That's okay, come out and join us anyway.
Contact Burt Schwab (641) 676-0105
Something to think about
Recently someone told me they appreciated my smile while I worship. My smile was an encouragement to them and their comment was an encouragement to me! It sparked several thoughts about worship in my own heart that I would like to share.
Worship is proclaiming the “worth-ship” of God. No matter what, God is worth it! No matter your situation in life, the circumstances you face, the defeat, the victory, the heartache, or the blessings – He is worth it! If we proclaim Christ as our Lord, we serve One who is greater than all of that! How can we not praise our Creator, our redeemer, our peace, our comfort, our greatest example for living! HE IS WORTH IT!!
Worship is so much more than music. We often think of worship as music and singing. Singing can certainly be an expression of worship, but our entire lives can be a demonstration of worship to our Lord. I encourage you to make worship a way of life. Worship God in the way you sing, but also in the way you give, the way you love and the way you serve others.
Worship is an encounter with the Most High. If you’re like me, music truly speaks to your soul. But worship? Worship is so much more! Worship is an encounter with the Most High. Worship requires action. We must surrender our own agenda and actively enter in to His sweet, loving presence. Don’t think of worship as a time of singing. Rather, our time of singing is your opportunity to be embraced by God!
Worship is an outpouring of what’s on the inside. What’s in your worship tank? When a smile, or passion, or love, or joy are shining through on the outside, it’s because a smile, passion, love or joy are dwelling on the inside. If your “worship tank” has become stagnant, hints of a bitter flavor, has an unpleasant aroma, or is completely empty, do not ignore it! Find a way to connect with God to refuel your soul. Meditate on scriptures. Listen to praise & worship music regularly throughout the day. Spend time in prayer. Saturate yourself with the things of God. He will refill your tank with fresh, new, Living Water! As stated in James 4:8, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.”
Kris Schwab